Friday, June 1, 2012

Lovely Blog Award!

While "Concrete And Coffee" has been up for a while, it's only been in the past few months that I've been posting seriously and attempting to expand my reach in the fitness community and to those looking for (mostly) healthy living tips, inspiration, and a most importantly, a laugh. :)

And I have to say, it's hard! I feel like there are definitely days that I spend as much time trying to blog, tweet, post to the book of faces and network about all things relevant to running and fitness as I actually spend running and keeping fit!

So I am completely flattered and honored that Marcia of Marcia's Healthy Slice nominated CNC as One Lovely Blog! You should go check her blog out: She always has lots of interesting health and nutrition tidbits to share and is just a generally nice, sweet person!

The Rules:
* Post the award logo and picture on your blog and link back to the person who nominated you.
* Tell seven things about yourself.
* Nominate up to 15 additional bloggers whom you think deserve the award.
* Post a comment on the blog of each nominee to tell them they have been nominated!

First, seven things...

1. Despite his reputation as a serial engager/husband, my celebrity crush is Ryan Reynolds.
Ryan Reynolds Calls Running N.Y.C. Marathon 'Incredible' | Ryan Reynolds
And hello, he's run a marathon!

2. I have never broken a bone, except for maybe a toe, which is unconfirmed.

3. I did break just about every rule in some way or another (except for smoking) while pregnant.
You did what???
4. If calories and sugar were of no consequence, I'd eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch all the time.

5. It takes precisely 13.4oz of coffee administered within 15-30 minutes of waking up for me to function as a normal, amicable human being.

6. I have yet to watch an episode of "Parenthood" without crying.

7. Don't tell my sister, but after scoffing at her Alec Baldwin obsession, I've watched enough "30 Rock" that I'm finally starting to get it.


Next, my blog nominations:

Jen - Who trains like a mother and chases a toddler, too.

Katie - She got to meet Chrissie Wellington!

Beth - Duh.

Mel - Mom of TWO toddlers and Stroller Strides instructor. A Jedi of a fit mom, in my book.

Amanda - She runs, bikes, coaches, and got to run with Joan Benoit Samuelson!

Pavement Runner - I can't find a first name for him. I guess he likes it that way. I can tell you that his race photos are very similar to that of the "ridiculously photogenic guy."

Monica - She just did the Reach the Beach relay and has me itching to run one now, too.

Heather - Another "duh". This tough chicka is just awesome.

Kelly  - Wellness coach and contributor to Also a mom of two little ones!

I'd love to nominate like a million other blogs, and even people who don't "blog" regularly but who work hard and inspire others, but the Little Miss is starting to yell at me to "Stop typing, Mommy!" So that's my cue to wrap this up.

Got something to say about running, fitness, or life? Have a story to share about your own progression from flab to fab? Keep writing. While I initially starting posting more often because I got the notion in my head that I could eventually train and blog from home instead of wait tables, I think it's having to balance a physically active job while remaining physically active that is something a lot of you can identify with. Would I love to receive free samples of Nutella to review and give away? Absolutely! But even when I reach the point of getting free products, I probably still won't be able to quit my day (and night) job. And right now, I wouldn't necessarily want to. It's what makes me tough and reminds me to constantly aim for that sense of balance.

Do you have a blog people should be reading, or follow a blog I should follow too?


misszippy said...

I, for one, am glad you are posting more often! And I am laughing about your Ryan Reynolds crush. We all have our quirky crushes.

And yes, keeping up is SO hard sometimes. Not quite sure how I will manage it this summer!

misszippy said...

Oh, and thank you!

Unknown said...

Yaaaay, so flattered! For the record, I think you're kind of a badass. And I think Ryan Reynolds is hot, too. (But not as hot as Ryan Gosling's "Hey Runner Girl" meme thing on tumblr. You should really check it out.) Also, thanks for basically writing my next post for me. Score!

ConcreteNCoffee said...

HAHAHA! That's in CAPS, because I literally just starting guffawing as I read those memes and startled the crap out of my husband.