Sunday, May 6, 2012

Weekend Rewind - This Old House / Our Old Life

I traded in the sneakers (so to speak... they're actually still on my feet right now) for some good old-fashioned housework this weekend. Our house that we now rent needed some work and cleaning up before handing the keys over to the new tenants. While I didn't log any miles yet this weekend, that's not to say some calories weren't burned. That's what I'm telling myself, at least, to justify this morning's breakfast.

Even when I don't run, I sometimes run on Dunkin.

Our old house is awesome and every time we set foot in it I feel a pang of nostalgia. It's the house we brought Little Miss home to for the first time. We had an addition put on to the back of the house in which my husband and his father built the kitchen with their bare hands. It's where the dogs were free to chase (and sometimes kill) squirrels in the back yard and we had a nice long hallway to make Nico slide down as he did his retarded sideways run after the red laser light.

I kan chaze lytes n' halp bild yer cabinetz?

And how could I forget how much Little Miss loved rolling, then scooting, then crawling, the cruising around the house?

Yes, that's her (ca. 8 months) under her walker.
I could go on forever about how much we loved this place, so when it was time to let go and move on, I resisted. I may have, at some point, stomped my feet and cried. That was partially due to the fact that I hated Newnan, GA, otherwise known as "the worst place for any runner to move, ever" (in my travel guide, anyway), along with not wanting to leave the house we worked so hard to make our own. I am happy to report, however, that nearly two years, two tenants, and two new addresses (for us) later, I have finally moved on.

Now, I can go back, clean, paint, do yard work (as in, hire a tree guy to keep my husband from climbing 25 feet to try to saw a dead branch off himself), and happily hand the keys over to our new renters. After all is said and done, I knew the house alone would not be what would keep us coming back to SC. Our family, for one, still live there, as well as several good friends. And then there's the food...

Lunch break today at Mekong Vietnamese. Greenville. Go There.

G'Vegas, you'll always be a part of me, even if not a part of my mailing address.

Any homes from your past that hold a special place in your heart?


Valerie said...

I refused to go to my mom's house for the end of the packing and movign things out. Because then it would've been real that she was selling it. It was where I lived with mom and my (step)dad, where I had a normal childhood. So it was hard to think that I didn't have my dad anymore, now I wasn't going to have my home anymore. I had the same feelings when we sold my grandmother's house, since I spent a majority of my summer vacations there. There was stomping feet and crying, even though I was over 20 in both cases.

Valerie said...

I refused to go to my mom's house for the end of the packing and movign things out. Because then it would've been real that she was selling it. It was where I lived with mom and my (step)dad, where I had a normal childhood. So it was hard to think that I didn't have my dad anymore, now I wasn't going to have my home anymore. I had the same feelings when we sold my grandmother's house, since I spent a majority of my summer vacations there. There was stomping feet and crying, even though I was over 20 in both cases.