Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm moving!

If you haven't seen it already on my FB page, I'm taking my blog over to Wordpress. A few reasons for this include more freedom with customizing themes, a domain name through a reputable server, and more space/easier formatting for advertising if and when I get the time or the opportunity to take my blog to the next level. So hop on over to my other page, where I've already imported all of my previous entries from here. This page will soon disappear, so in the meantime please:

Bookmark me in your blog readers,
Like me on Facebook, and
Follow me on Twitter!

I am working hard at becoming more social-networking-savvy and I recognize every blogger starts somewhere. I will continue to post about my runs, workouts, playlists and just my average day-to-day activities as examples of how I maintain balance in my life. I will also look to you to expand the variety of content I can deliver. So don't forget to leave comments and ask questions! I want to see Concrete N Coffee grow, but I need your help!

Thanks, and keep reading!

1 comment:

misszippy said...

You'll be so glad you made the move!